The long car ride. Mommy said we were pretty good. Most of the time we snoozed.
It's a Pug's Life
The Boys
Monday, September 27, 2010
We're home!
We're "dog tired" after our adventure in New Hampster, but here are a few pictures of our trip.
The long car ride. Mommy said we were pretty good. Most of the time we snoozed.
We went to "Dog Mountain" in St. Johnsbury, VT. This is a stained glass window from the Chapel.
This is us after Daddy got us out of the car at Cabot's. Mommy and Daddy got to go on the cheese tour but we had to stay out. No dogs allowed. Uh, don't they know we are PUGS, not dogs?
Here is another picture of us in the Chapel at Dog Mountain. We were allowed to go ever where, even in the gallery that featured Stephen Huneck's wonderful works.
The long car ride. Mommy said we were pretty good. Most of the time we snoozed.
Saturday, September 18, 2010
That's right! We're going on vacation! Mommy and Daddy will be married a year next Sunday and they are taking us away with this. We're so excited!
They are taking us to this place called New Hampster. I'm not sure what that's all about. Hampsters up north or something like that. (Um boys, I think they mean NEW HAMPSHIRE. - Hippie)
Whatever! We're excited about your first ever vacation. We're going to see some family. Mommy said it was better if we went with them seeing as what happened the last time they went away without us. Remember Duke eating 95 cents? It didn't end pretty!
We're going to start packing tomorrow. I just hope we don't forget anything. . .flossies, kibble, babies, beds, cookies, and Mommy said something about a crate but I'm SURE she meant it was for Hippie while we were gone. Why would we need a crate? Or belly bands for that matter? (Heh, heh, heh, silly pugs. P.S. Kitty party at my pad starting on Thursday night!)
Oh well, we promise Mommy and Daddy will take lots of pictures!
-Murphy and The Duke of Whirl
They are taking us to this place called New Hampster. I'm not sure what that's all about. Hampsters up north or something like that. (Um boys, I think they mean NEW HAMPSHIRE. - Hippie)
Whatever! We're excited about your first ever vacation. We're going to see some family. Mommy said it was better if we went with them seeing as what happened the last time they went away without us. Remember Duke eating 95 cents? It didn't end pretty!
We're going to start packing tomorrow. I just hope we don't forget anything. . .flossies, kibble, babies, beds, cookies, and Mommy said something about a crate but I'm SURE she meant it was for Hippie while we were gone. Why would we need a crate? Or belly bands for that matter? (Heh, heh, heh, silly pugs. P.S. Kitty party at my pad starting on Thursday night!)
Oh well, we promise Mommy and Daddy will take lots of pictures!
-Murphy and The Duke of Whirl
Monday, September 13, 2010
No Girls Allowed!
That's right, it's a Fire Hydrant Club camping trip and it's girl-free! Sluggo picked us up at the pug meet and we're headed to some fun in the sun.
Murphy brought plenty of pillows and blankets:

Duke brought flossies and beef jerky. Being a good club member, he HAD to make sure it was fit for his friends, so he taste tested it before we left.

Murphy packed plenty of snacks. I told Mommy and Daddy they didn't need to check our bags, we knew what snacks our friends like. (And what kind of beer, too! Sam's Octoberfest baby!!Shhhhhhhh......)
Duke, don't be a wimp, you won't get homesick, you'll be with all your pals. (Kids!)
Sluggo picked us up at the pug meet and we were on our way. Stay tuned for our adventures! I hear Sluggo has a few tricks up his sleeve!
Murphy brought plenty of pillows and blankets:

Duke brought flossies and beef jerky. Being a good club member, he HAD to make sure it was fit for his friends, so he taste tested it before we left.

Murphy packed plenty of snacks. I told Mommy and Daddy they didn't need to check our bags, we knew what snacks our friends like. (And what kind of beer, too! Sam's Octoberfest baby!!Shhhhhhhh......)

Duke, don't be a wimp, you won't get homesick, you'll be with all your pals. (Kids!)

Friday, September 3, 2010
A good day for Mommy
Mommy wanted us to write about this good deed she did today. It had to do with CATS! How can that be good? (Ummm, hello, your sister is a cat?) Ah yes, we love cats.

Anyway, Mommy volunteered at a cat shelter today for the United Way's Day of Caring. And it made her come home and give Hippie a kiss and tell her that she was so glad she had just ONE - picking up after 50 cats in a day will making you feel like that -and she was glad that she was able to rescue her. I think cat poop fumes got to her.
But Mommy's right. Rescue is a great thing, no matter if you're a cat or a dog. Mommy said there are so many dogs in the world and so many cats who have been tossed aside because people thing they are disposable, like a pair of pants you don't like anymore. It's sad and it makes Mommy said. It also makes us all said when you hear about dogs or cats that aren't treated right. Mommy met a kitty today who was abused. Some stupid kids poured bleach on a cat and it when in his eyes and now his eyes are all messed up. Mommy met him at the shelter today. Despite being abused, this kitty was still lovey dovey. We think that's pretty brave.
There are a lot of dogs and cats out there who have lived rough lives. We think it's important to encourage people to give those fur friends a second chance.
Mommy also had another great part of her day. She got to see Sluggo's mom, Coley. Coley ran right up to Mommy and "woo-woo-ed". This made Mommy happy. We're going to try and visit Coley soon. Maybe we can get Sluggo to come! (And Wilma and Brigitte, too.)

Here is Coley's mom, Jen and Coley. Jen volunteered with Mommy today.
Monday, August 23, 2010
Happy Brithday to our Uncle Manny!

He's puts up with a lot like we do. His first Christmas here he was tortured by the annual Christmas card photo shoot. It's horrible. Either we're elves or reindeer or we have red sweaters. Either way, some pug will be put to shame is some sort of holiday outfit. This is all for the human's fun. We try to protest but once they wave those

We have to wish our Uncle Manny a happy one. And tomorrow is his "gotcha day"! We hope you get lots of treats Manny (and will you share them with us?)
Monday, August 16, 2010
Exciting Times at "It's a Pug's Life"
Duke and I are very excited to announce that our blog got an award! Check out the details here on Wilma the Pug's blog.
We thought we'd give your seven fun facts about us:
1) Murphy hates hardwood floors. In fact, he's very troubled that Grandma and Grandpa B are putting hardwood floor in their living room.
2) Duke is obsessed with squirrels. Every morning when we go out for our walk, Duke makes a bee-line for the trees so he can hunt them out. He cries and carries on when he sees them. I don't know what a squirrel ever did to him, but he hates them with a passion.
3) We secretly love dressing up. We claim that we hate it when Mommy does it, but we just love showing off. Halloween is the best!
4) Duke loves blueberries, strawberries, watermelon and edamane. Murphy thinks that's just wrong. He loves when Mommy orders Japanese, because she shares with him. Daddy and I think that's gross. We rather eat chips.

5) Duke is a naughty boy and will eat anything that's NOT a toy. Last night Mommy found this:
Can't tell what it is? It used to be the headset to her Blackberry. He's lucky it was the piece of crap that came with the phone and not a bluetooth. Eitherway, we're pretty sure "My pug ate my hands-free device" will NOT get her out of ticket. Perhaps dropping Daddy's name will save her. He also loves, as previously stated, quarters, Q-tips, pieces of wood, kleenex and stuffing from his babies. I'm not sure why he does it. I think he's just a little bit special.
6) I (Duke) may eat stuff around the house, but Murphy eats poop! Yes, that's right Murphy, your secret is out. He gobbles it up. And the most disgusting part is usually it's his own poop! Mommy thinks he doesn't poop in the house but he does, he just eats the evidence! Gross huh? Careful when you kiss him Wilma!
7) We both LOVE other pugs. We love puggy playdates and pug meet ups. Other dogs are great, but pugs are the best. We spent Friday night with our pug buddies Eoghan and Penelope's house running around their backyard. And then Saturday we had a meet up. It was a great weekend. And even thought I only got to see Wilma for five minutes, that short time was precious and will get me through to the next time. (By the way Wilma, Mommy wants to plan a puggy play day at your house. Daddy even wants to come this time! We'll bring the cookies!)
There you go, that's seven fun facts about us. Hope you have a great week readers!
Monday, July 19, 2010
Coley's forever home
Sorry we left out the most important part of the story of Sluggo. Yes, Coley did find a great home. Gail's daughter-in-law, Jen, fell in love with Coley. She had a pug about the same age named Zoe (who is actually the sister of Annabelle - remember Coley nursed her puppies, too?) So Coley lives the high life with her puggy sister Zoe and a new sister, Jessie, who is a German Shepherd, but doesn't realize how big she is because the puggy girls boss her around.

Coley is also hard at work on becoming a therapy dog like Murphy. All she has left to do is learn to sit, which is proving to be a challenge. Why should any pug sit on command anyway? (Psst, Murphy, we get cookies when we sit. Oh, that's right Duke.) Scratch that last comment, readers.
Here is Coley with her sisters Zoe and Jessie. (Coley is the one in the middle.)

Coley is also hard at work on becoming a therapy dog like Murphy. All she has left to do is learn to sit, which is proving to be a challenge. Why should any pug sit on command anyway? (Psst, Murphy, we get cookies when we sit. Oh, that's right Duke.) Scratch that last comment, readers.
Here is Coley with her sisters Zoe and Jessie. (Coley is the one in the middle.)
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