So how did Mommy and Daddy become pugged? Well, it all started a long time ago, long before Duke and Daddy came on the scene.
Mommy some how got it in her head that she had to have a pug. She loved how pugs looked and yearned to have one. But Grandma and Grandpa were skeptical. They said she didn't need a dog. (She didn't WANT a dog, she wanted a PUG!)
But one day Mommy brought Grandma to the mall to the pet store to show her a pug. (Please note, Mommy knew that she would NEVER get a pug in a pet store, but she had to melt Grandma's heart somehow and a live one would do just the trick!) Well, Grandma's heart melted and she knew that a pug had to become a part of the family. So Mommy called a breeder (we'll talk about that 'breeder' in another post.) And eight weeks later she got me, Murphy.

, in August of 2006.
Look at how cute I was! This is my first cookie. And my first toy. (I loved that toy, I wonder where it went?) Anyway, soon after that, my mom learned about pug rescue and she fostered pugs for a while. This is where you take in pugs whose owners have to give them up and find new, forever homes for them.
I've had lots of foster brothers and sisters. We even had a litter of puppies and one is still my good buddy
Sluggo, brother of
Wilma the pug.Then Mommy met Daddy in 2007. We were looking after Bonnie, a little girl pug who had

mange. Mommy found a perfect home for her (with another former foster brother of mine,
EJ) and the house was quiet. Heck, even I missed having someone to boss around. And then Daddy, who was of course
pugged by then, decided he'd like a black pug.
And before you know it, the Duke of Whirl (aka my bratty little brother) came in July of 2008. Wow, this month he's been here 2 years! I love my brother so much. As you can see on the home page, we snuggle together. And we play a lot, too. His only downfall is that he gets into a lot of mischief, much of which I get blamed for. (That is not true! Don't believe a word Murphy says. He's usually the one in trouble. Should I tell you about the time he ate a container of nuts??)
ANYWAY, now we're a two pug family. (Umm, Meow?) Sorry, two pug and one cat family. We have to mention our sister Hippie or she'll beat us up. She's the toughest cat we've ever met. And she's a rescue, too!
So Mommy and Daddy got married in September of 2009, complete with a pug cake topper and we're now one big happy family with our skin sister, Cella, who comes to visit us on weekends.
So that's the story of us. Hope you enjoyed!